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Happy Veteran’s Day!

Nov 11, 2021

2 min read




Joining the Navy at 18 then the Texas Army National Guard at 24 then the Army at age 27 changed the trajectory of my life! I learned so much about responsibility, selfless service, integrity, courage, leadership and much much much more.

I met some AMAZING people throughout my time serving, some of which I’m blessed to still have in my life today.

I am proud of serving this country, my country, and though I know that many I served with don’t necessarily agree with my political views I was and will always remain proud to have served with them. I think that’s important to mention. Because regardless of our differences it will never be able to erase the amazing memories we made while serving together. 😊

Being in the military changed my life, for the better. And if it weren’t for the military I would most likely not have gotten the stellar medical treatment I have continued to receive since first being diagnosed with cancer. Words will never be enough to express my gratitude.

Being a veteran does not make me or any of us that served better than those that didn’t. I know plenty who wanted to but simply weren’t able to. And I don’t believe any of us want (or expect) your “thank yous” but at the same time it’s nice to receive them. 😉

To all veterans, THANK YOU for your service. And to those I served with — It was an honor to do so.

Happy Veteran’s Day!

P.S. to God be the glory! 👏🏾

#people #twentyfour #eighteen #selflessservice #memories #politicalviews #served #Army #twentyseven #thankyous #proud #courage #trajectory #responsibility #TexasArmyNationalGuard #veteran #toGodbetheglory #medicaltreatment #cancer #navy #gratitude #life #integrity #amazing #honor

Nov 11, 2021

2 min read





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