I have followed TobyMac’s music since way back when. When he was much younger in a group called DC Talk. He is really talented. His songs just touch my soul. And they have a spark that has me wanting to sign along and dance.
There have been so many times that life has tried its best to not only knock me down, but also keep me down. The wolves represent obstacles, to me. The wolves TobyMac mentions in this song that is.
Whatever obstacles you may be going through this year, this month or this day I hope this song brings you comfort and strength. Just as it does for me. ❤
I put the video in the blog after this one. ✌🏾👎🏽
#talented #hard #song #wolves #YouTube #soul #DCTalk #year #strength #comfort #bringmedown #spark #dance #hope #obstacles #video #Christian #sing #life #day #TobyMac #month