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Just get the shot already! 

Jul 24, 2021

3 min read




Listen, gonna keep this one short. Ok, probably not.

Get the vaccine. It literally saves lives. This Delta plus variant of the covid virus is NO joke. How people STILL think the vaccine is some way is tracking people I just don’t get. I think people are still buying into that lie. Yes, pretty sure they are because this is ‘Merica and lots of folks believe the plethora of misinformation that’s out there. Sadly.

I am a three time cancer survivor. I didn’t like chemotherapy (chemo). I was scared of it. I didn’t know what it would do to my body. I just knew there could be horrible side effects from it. But I went ahead and took the treatment. All three times…for a total of twenty four treatments. Not that I’m counting of course. 😉

Let me tell you the vaccine is A LOT better than chemo. See with chemo it ain’t just the bad cells that get killed. Nope, it’s also the good ones. Hence the horrible side effects. And when I say horrible I mean HORRIBLE!

This is not the case with the covid vaccine or really any vaccine. It is there to protect you. Sure there may be some mild side effects. I got some with the first shot. Headaches, lots of fatigue and some discomfort in my tummy. It lasted two days and then it was over. That is not the case with chemo. Years after I have dealt with the lingering side effects: neuropathy is one of them. But I digress.

This is not the case with the vaccine. Oh but wait you may say, “what about the deaths that have happened from the vaccine???” Well, think about it. All medications have some risk factor. Not just chemo. But many other medications. But the chances of dying are very small. Miniscule in fact. That is the case with these vaccines. You have a greater chance of winning the lottery or being hit by a bus or dying in a plane crash than you do of dying from the vaccine. Could it happen? Yes but, again, the chances are so very very very small.

So why would you want to stay unprotected when there is a solution? When there is a vaccine that can keep you safe from getting and possibly dying from covid-19? Oh and spreading it to others.

People in the hospital who are in the bed on a ventilator wish they would have gotten the vaccine. I wish my mom would have gotten it but it wasnt available yet. But seriously guys, when almost 100% of the new covid cases happening right now are of those of un-vaccinated folk how can you, if you are not vaccinated yet, not see that you need to go get the shot?

Go get the shot. Don’t wait till you are in the hospital. Don’t think because you have been fine all this time you’re good to go. Don’t think because you aren’t in the places that show the cases going up that you will be fine. I am sure that’s what those in the hospital today thought too.

It’s not about scaring people. It’s about saving people’s lives.

Please get the vaccine. And encourage others to do the same. Because if we can’t get control of this Delta variant than other variants will come into existence next. If there aren’t new ones already.

Be safe and keep healthy. God bless.

Here is a place to get good info:

***Please don’t be misguided by misinformation. Do your own information. Even look up stuff outside what I attached below. Knowledge is power. ***

#medications #vaccinated #chip #horrible #people #bus #covid #scared #plane #neuropathy #covid19 #misinformation #chemo #deaths #vaccine #miniscule #unvaccinated #riskfactor #Godbless #crash #folk #misguided #ventilator #chemotherapy #safe #Deltavariant #shot #hospital #healthy #lottery #sideeffects #savelives #lie #conspiracy #Merica #wish

Jul 24, 2021

3 min read





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