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Law & Order

Sep 15, 2022

5 min read




If you were to do a simple Google search to define Law & Order you would see following definition: the enactment of laws (see LAW entry 1 sense 1a(1)) and their strict enforcement by police and the courts. (

It’s actually quite simple. Laws are put in place to make sure we aren’t in a world of anarchy. To make sure that ALL people follow the laws of the land regardless of anyone’s status with title or money or family. ALL must follow laws and by doing so there is order. That order keeps the country from losing control and from keeping people in check so they don’t think that law and order doesn’t apply to them.

Well, it should be anyway.

Simple, yes?

But, sadly, we don’t live in a world where things go the way they should. Not even here in the United States of America.

Just doing a little of history search of this country will show you that. Law and Order is only as good as those that obey them, that follow them. And, unfortunately, there have been people of all career fields that have disobeyed the laws of this country. That have disregarded the rule of law period because they have power, money, influence, know important people or all of the above. Be them police officers, politicians, CEOs, military service members, tbose who are in the church or high positions within their religion and those that are ultra wealthy. One might except that only those who are in the crime industry like the mafia or gangs would be the ones not being down with law and order. But it just ain’t so.

It shouldn’t be that way, of course. Never should it be. But perhaps it has always been. Perhaps that stuff and those people have been doing what they WANT not what is right and just and honest since before we were ever America. Man (as in humans– but most especially men, let’s just be honest — have not been playing fair since Cain and Able. **Reference to the Bible of the two sons of Adam and where Cain was jealous of Able because he thought God favored him and so instead of being a better person he killed his own brother and then lied about it.***

So why should we expect humans to do any better today? Thousands of years later we see how as nuch as we evolved in things like technology and medicine we have not done so well with our human behaviors. Sad but sad.

And this could not be more illustrated than with what is going on right now with this man some of you may know of. He used to actually be the President of the United States (POTUS), even if I didn’t vote for him and thought he’ll be seen ad the worse POTUS America has ever had. And I feel that is very true more now than ever. That man, if yoi haven’t figured it out yet, is Donald J. Trump.

A man who has always seen himself as better than anyone and better at everything, which clearly shows his insecurities as well as his arrogant egotistical full of superiority complex self, has been caught with classified documents that he actually took to his personal place of residence at a hotel resort where people, regular civilians can gain acess to for the right fee for membership. Yes, this is not a lie. This is not fiction. This is not satire. And this is ONE of many inconceivable things he has done…in and out of office.

He, who is no longer a sitting POTUS thought himself above the law and gave zero fuc÷s about any sort of order and took what he wanted with him from the white house. And of those things over 300 boxes of CLASSIFIED documents.

This is beyond a travesty. This is beyond worrisome. This is beyond incredibly ridiculous. This is a criminal! And just because he WAS the POTUS does not give him the right to do such a thing (something ANYONE else would have done would have been them placed in jail by now) and still be sitting pretty in his resort hotel in sunny Florida.

Yet, yet that is — so far — what is happening. He is not in jail. He continues to tout that he will be running for the 2024 election. He continues to go to rallys and give his thumbs up for politicians/canidates running for office. People contine to believe he has doing nothing wrong. People continue to worship him like he’s some god. And he continues to make me and so many question whether or not Law & Order is dead. Or at least null and void for people like him.

I hope, nay, I pray that the courts and the judge, that didn’t recuse herself as she was appointed to her current position by Trump himself, will change her mind in letting him get a special master judge to look over all those classified documents. I pray that that judge and all those that still think he is someone good will see him for who he is. And that, that is a con artist with a mob man mentality.

That is all he is and all he has ever been and, sadly all he ever will be. Only Jesus can make him better. And the way he continues to be I doubt he’ll ever let Jesus in because he doesn’t seem to know to love outside of loving himself. And that is why Law & Order isn’t his thing. He loves himself. He believes he is meant to be adored. And he is delusional in that he still believes he won the 2020 election and that because of that those classified documents are his and his right to have them.

But that is wrong. He is wrong. People who continue to see him, a mere mortal, as their great white hope (savior) are wrong. And if this injustice does not get corrected by making sure he is held accountable for his unlawful deeds and all those that have committed crimes along with him, as well as those that knew but didn’t stop it, then I can’t help but believe that America has NOT done better with Law & Order.

I can’t and won’t believe that, not until disobedience of Law & Order committed by ALL people, regardless of title, money or power are held accountable. Until people like Donald J. Trump see that it does NOT matter who they were or who they are, they — he is NOT above the law.

Even if in he actually thinks he is because in his head he is still the POTUS, he is King, he is god.

In the end: Will he continue to get away with so much? Or will he finally be arrested and have to do prison time? Or will he flee the country like a disgraced corrupt (wanna be) dictator?

Only time will tell.

#incrediblyridiculous #UnitedStatesofAmerica #worship #evolve #arrested #jail #chaos #police #world #human #cainandable #superioritycomplex #justice #CEOs #wealthy #notsatire #humans #criminal #travesty #injustice #flee #men #man #worrisome #anarchy #DonaldJTrump #technology #conartist #insecurities #peopleofthechurch #medicine #militaryservicemembers #humanbehavior #fees #money #mobman #life #delusional #lawampOrder #wannabe #politicspoliticians #God #time #title #power #religion #classifieddocuments #dictator #hotelresort #king #Jesus #egotistical #corrupt #civilians #inconceivable #arrogant #mobster #nolie

Sep 15, 2022

5 min read





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