Back in February I had a gofundme page and a friend of mine wanted to share it on her page, but she wanted me to write a small piece giving details of my story. I was stoked that she wanted to help as I didn’t have have huge number of people donating nor sharing with others. Having her interested warned my heart and so I began to write my story.
However, as I wrote I kinda of went into a different direction with what I wanted to share. Writing my story turned into writing about how despite being diagnosed with cancer a third time there was still life. That life was not over.
As I realized that this was more than just a small writing to share on her page I saw a greater potential for it. I saw that people may be inspired by what I have written, was wanting to share.
Because of that I got ahold of a friend over at Inspire.com and he gave me the info for curetoday.com and told me to submit what I wrote to them, for possible publication. And that’s exactly what I did.
I didn’t hear back from them though and wondered if they didn’t think it was something worth publishing. Just as I was thinking it wouldn’t get published I got an email telling me that not only was it going to get published but that it was already out there.
I was so happy to see that email and to go to the article. It wasn’t my first published article, but it felt like it was.
It’s not necessarily about seeing my name as the author but more so it’s about sharing my story in the hopes that it could very well encourage and inspire others out there that are going through cancer. That to me is what it is all about. Because when you are going through something as devastating as cancer it’s comforting to know that there are stories out there (like mine and others) that can give people hope. Hope that cancer is not the end. 🌻
I am sorry I didn’t share this article sooner. But, hey, better late than never. 😉
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