As we, all who are of the Christian faith that is, celebrate Easter weekend, I can’t but think of this movie. The movie about Mary Magdalene.
This movie, which surprisingly has Joaquin Phoenix playing the role of Jesus, is a movie worth watching. It, I suppose, is seen as a more feminist point of view. But why not?
Is that wrong? Is it sinful? Or is just something that many men, dare I say religious men, object to?
I feel it is the latter and that is why the movie was not welcomed favorably in America.
But even if it has a more feminist perspective it is a good movie. Joaquin Phoenix was actually good as Jesus too. But ultimately, I do feel that Mary Magdalene had a greater role than what we have grown up to believe. And I feel the message in the movie is a strong one.
I don’t know why women have been treated far from great throughout the history of our human existence. And why even today, in the 21st century, women are not seen as equal to men. Women are still raped, abused, murdered, placed in sex trafficking and seen as less than men. Sure we have come a long way but it hasn’t been easy. And we still have a long ways to go.
But I digress.
All I want to finish with is that the movie of Mary Magdalene is a movie that I feel needs more credit. A movie that should be considered as a movie that lets the audience see that women had had an important role when Christ was alive. That he turned to women just as he did with men.
And that to me is amazing. Amazingly beautiful! Because in the here and now us women should remember that we are just as loved and blessed as our male counterparts. And that we can make a difference for the Kingdom of God just as our brothers can. Amen!
So, if you get some time, and you haven’t watched the movie yet, think about doing it now. Especially on Easter weekend. Yes, Easter is about the resurrection of Jesus. But it is also about what that resurrection means. Jesus died and rose again. He died for the sins of the world and as promised came back to life. Showing us that we will have life after death.
I’m not saying let your focus stray from Jesus. Watching the movie doesn’t do that. It gives more insight to who Jesus is, with also more insight to how women made a positive impact on our Savior. One woman in particular.
I also think this movie is good for all to watch, not just women. For we are all creations of God. Men and women. Thus we should work together to be more Christlike. At least that’s what I believe. 😊
My life would be incredibly different if I hadn’t been found by Christ. I was lost. And then I was found. And that has happened more than once in my lifetime. But I never strayed too far. Never too far to be found again. Jesus is the reason I exist. The reason I forgive. The reason why I have love and empathy. The reason, truly, why I even want to breath another breath. Watching this movie helped me to see that I, as a woman, am just as loved as men. Even if I really haven’t done anything to deserve such love.
Remember you are not alone. If you don’t know God. Give Him a try. Give Jesus a chance to show you how wonderful you are. ❤
Mary Magdalene trailer is below.
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