Well where do I begin. Just the facts I suppose.
Fact: biopsy results came back showing cancer recurrence
Fact: did not like hearing that
Fact: cancer sucks!
Fact: God is who I trust
Fact: My strength is in Christ
Fact: I have SO MANY people supporting me and praying for me
I share not for pity or even sympathy. I share because I believe in the POWER of prayer. And even though I’m not sure about what’s gonna happen next I have comfort knowing God will get me through it. Just as He did before. Just as He has through so much of life’s tribulations. Amen!
#allwillbeok #gonnalivebymyname #godsgotthis #happytobebackhome #thanksinadvance4yourprayersandsupport
#biopsy #support #facts #strength #prayers #cancersucks #home #friends #hope #Christ #God #family #Jesus