I don’t plan on being a rideshare driver for the rest of my life. But for how ever long the Lord has me doing it I will make the best of it. Now, without a doubt, I get knuckleheads that are far from kind, courtesy and respectful. That is even more true since covid19 happened.
That said, without a doubt I get some truly amazing passengers that share some of their life with me and that are open to me sharing as well. And one of those passengers was today. She bought me a Starbucks (one of my loves) and tipped nicely in cash. But as nice as that was it wasn’t that that made her amazing. It was her openness. It was her kindness and compassion and understanding to what I shared with her. She even called me and had me talk to her husband (not quite sure what that was about but…) and she told me that parts of the long ride she had cried due to what’s going on in her life and that I helped her feel better. If that’s not God, I don’t know what is. I don’t believe in accidents.
We can all be someone positive for others, even for strangers. We all have hardships in this life. And even with the knuckleheads I’d want to be understanding, but only so much you can do if the other party isn’t open to it…sadly. I could focus on the not so great that has happened to me (and my family), and some may say there’s nothing wrong with that. But I choose to move forward. I choose to smile to every new day I’m given. It doesn’t mean I don’t hurt at times. It doesn’t mean I’m always strongish. It just means I choose to keep going towards tomorrow remembering how far God has taken me. Amen. 😊
If you can, be kind and open to talking to strangers for you never know what kind of positive impact you’ll make on them and they on you.
Happy Tuesday.
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