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This time it’s different 

May 1, 2019

2 min read




So, for those who have been following my blog–story–I was told that cancer returned back in February.

The next chapter has begun. Perhaps the next book rather. Not sure where this journey will lead me. I feel this time around it will be better than last time. I feel that way because of a few things, that are different.

1. I only found out that cancer had returned due to my Ca-125 numbers being higher than normal. The normal range is no more than 39, and for a good six years I hadn’t really ever gone about ten. There were no symptoms, outside of the mild fatigue I have experienced since last doing chemotherapy. And some irregular bowel movements. Nothing out of the ordinary though. Which is DRASTICALLY different than last time, where I had every single symptom and then some.

2. The chemo will be administered through a port in my chest, known as a mediport. Granted I had one last time, but it was in my abdomen. And because the chemo was going directly into the abdomen cavity it made the side effects just horrible. And chemo is quite horrible in of itself. But with how it was given, where it was given, and having to do two other treatments, through a PICC line in the arm, it made for a bad experience. One that had me request to stop the treatment after 3 cycles. One that left me feeling I was going to die from said treatment. And one I swore I’d never put myself through again.

Because of the things mentioned above I am able to go forward with getting chemo again. Everything is different. I feel good. My body doesn’t feel sick at all. I am able to go for jogs. I have a good appetite. It is all just so different.

And so it’s my prayer that the treatments, despite it being chemotherapy, will be different too. In that it won’t have me unable to do my daily activities. In that it won’t have me down and out. Which was the case last time.

I’m gonna end this blog with these two pics. Not so glamorous, but it is cancer. And I can still smile through it. #onlythroughgodisthatpossible #surviving #thriving

#this #is #bloodwork #chemo #different #prayer #it #procedure #strong #recurrence #hopeful #Godsgotthis #thriver #port #cancer #optimistic #survivor #medichest #time #positive #grateful

May 1, 2019

2 min read





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