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You just never know...

Jan 19

4 min read




The craziest and coolest thing happened the other week. At the gym of all places. Oh, so, I joined the gym and the YMCA gym at that. Do we call it the YMCA or the Y or the gym at the Y? I'm not sure, but I'll just say the gym to keep it simple. 😁

Now that you know I joined a gym I can set the scene. 😉 There I was in the women's locker room and gathering my stuff to leave -- after another awesome workout I must say -- when a woman, sitting on the couch, said that I looked like I could be a model. I of course was like "what was that?" as that caught me off guard. She repeated what she said and added that I could be model with an exotic look. It was at that point that I asked her if she had vision problems. haha Ok, maybe I didn't say that, but it definitely was something I wondered about as my insecurities don't let me take compliments very well. That's a blog for another time.

Anyway, I replied with something to the effect of "really that's kind of you and considering I'm about to be 54, it's a nice compliment" and then she seemed taken aback that I was the age that I was. She may have said that she hopes to age nicely or something like that. I told her she looked younger than she was, which was 27 and she thanked me for that. But I was being honest. I would have pegged her for maybe 21 or 22 and any who, we continued to chat, and she shared some personal things that she had gone through, and that she's been on the road of recovery for several years now. I told her that that was wonderful and maybe she could write a book about it one day.

Now, as we continued to talk, I mentioned that I had been in the military, and I feel that is one of the reasons that I like to do what I can to stay in shape. It was at that moment the crazy cool thing happened. For it was then when she asked me if I had been an Uber driver.

What a small world! And it really is y'all! I drove Uber for on and off six years and in that time have met so many people, hundreds nay thousands of people by way of them being my passengers. I was never at the same place either. I was all over the Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex. in fact, in all that driving and of all those people I met I may have had a total of five people that I saw more than once, seven max and that includes this young lady at the gym.

So, for her to say that, in of itself, blew my mind.

That's not even the part that will blow your mind!

That part being that not only did she remember that I was her Uber driver but that she told me that she had prayed for God to find a way for us to meet again. Not because she was attracted to me but rather because she said I made a positive impression her and how she felt like I had good energy. She had even told her mom about me and how she really was hoping to have good positive people in her life. Just wow!

Is that not crazy?! In the most awesome possible way!

What are the odds? I had only been at the gym for less than three weeks and she was there with her mom trying the gym out with the free passes. Not to mention us being in the women's locker room at the same time and her striking up a conversation with me. I could have just thanked her for her compliment and been on my merry way but instead I engaged in conversing and in doing so she realized that we had met before... and that I was someone she prayed to meet again. Like holy cow!

We serve such an awesome God!

When I tell you how she was overcome with emotion after she realized I was that Uber driver she had and prayed to meet again, well, it was something. My heart was filled with joy. Not so much because of the impression I left on her but because of how good God is and how He answered her prayer.

If we were never to see one another again at least she got what she prayed for. And I got to meet her again and hear of how she was in some ways touched by my kindness and willingness to be open and converse with her while on that ride.

You just never know. Never know how you affect someone. Know how just being open to conversing with someone could very well be exactly what that person needed at the time. I sure know there have been times when someone being friendly, and kind made my day.

I know that the world can seem to be so upside down at times. I feel it more and more as of late; however, at the same time, there is still good out there. I hope we can all do our best to be part of that good. Because... you just never know! 😉

P.S. We exchanged numbers and have chatted a few times and it's been really nice getting to know her and hear of how she's in college and on the path to reaching her goals. We are going to try and meet for coffee as well. If I can be a positive influence in her life and maybe be a bit of a mentor that would be cool or if we will just be kind souls that hang out here and there that would be cool too. 🌻

Jan 19

4 min read





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