Hey guys! A quick one to share my excitement and gratitude for being in an article about my story on an amazing website.
Hope Has Arrived is a website that showcases, if you will, stories of cancer survivors. The founder of the the website is a survivor himself and he has done a beautiful thing with sharing the stories of HOPE.
In the about area of the website he shares that he never really knew about hope until he went through cancer. It was then, during cancer, that he found hope actually. And because of that he wanted to give back and help others find it too. Paraphrasing.
I think that is wonderful and beautiful and not just because my name is Hope either. I believe in this life we should share goodness. From goodness can come inspiration. I think that is what the founder, Chris Lawrence, has done and continues to do. I am happy to be a part of that too.
If sharing my story can bring people comfort, inspiration and/or hope then in a small way what I have gone through has been worth it or at the very least is a silverlining of all the pain I have endured.
I hope you like want he has written about my story through ovarian cancer. I hope it may even bring you some inspiration or even some hope.
Please think about sharing as in doing so you are spreading much needed awareness for ovarian cancer. ✌🏾
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